Saturday, August 27, 2011

Estigarribia docked at Juventus

Juventus midfielder search on the left wing seems to be coming to an end. Young players step Paraguay Marcelo Alejandro Estigarribia again be joined to Turin.

Juve are looking for a left-wing focus ahead of the summer transfer window closed on 31 August. Left-wing position Juve considered a weak point.

I just got the Bianconeri Emanuele Giaccherini from Cesena. But coach Antonio Conte apparently still not satisfied and will add a left-wing.

Estigarribia be players who will be recruited later. The 23-year-old players will play in Italy confirmed, although still not told his club's name.

"I'll play in Italy. I have been asked not to mention the name of the club before anything is agreed upon," said Estigarribia.

"My agent was in Italy to resolve any sesuatuya and I know the basis of the contract. I will be borrowed with a purchase option," said Estigarribia.

Estigarribia began to steal the attention of European clubs when performed brilliantly in the Copa America with Paraguay.

Juventus said to be borrowed at a cost of 450,000 euros Estigarribia. Juve have the option to mempermanenkan Estigarribia worth five million euros.

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