Thursday, September 1, 2011

Redknapp has opened talks offer 40 million pounds Chelsea for Modric

Coach, Spurs, Harry Redknapp, unmasked the issue of Chelsea's bid to Modric. According to Redknapp told Sky Sports, Chelsea had indeed sent a bid worth 40 million Pounds on Tuesday (30/08) then. However, the offer was again countered the Spurs camp.

Chelsea's last bid was the third bid for Luka Modric and it all ended in disappointment after firmly establishing the Spurs chairman, Daniel Levy and the main coach, Harry Redknapp to defend the Croatian midfielder. Now, Redknapp was able to convince all parties that Luka Modric will stay with the Spurs.

"The director (Daniel Levy) club remained steadfast stance about Luka Modric. I think that Chelsea's bid worth 40 million Pounds has been posted yesterday. Whether it's true or not, but I heard it happened," Redknapp said on Sky Sports.

When asked if Luka Modric could still show his professionalism as a player Spurs, Redknapp is optimistic with his men's mental.

"Yes, definitely. He underwent two international matches (along with Croatian national team) this week. That's a good competition."

"Sandro's back fit, Scott Parker has arrived, Tom Huddlestone could also fall back. We've got good players in midfield and we look forward now."

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