Friday, August 26, 2011

Bolton rejected an offer for Arsenal's Gary Cahill

Bolton Wanderers Arsenal reject bid for Gary Cahill. A few hours ago to preach the Arsenal camp that they sent a proposal to Bolton's bid for the England defender.

Not only Arsenal, before Cahill also be a target rich team Manchester City and Liverpool. However, Arsenal's name is indeed the most intense hunting Cahill.

Cahill himself is in the final period of his contract with Bolton. Next season, Cahill was able to escape to another club on a free transfer or free. Cahill sale value remains high given that he became one of the defensive player with the most consistent performances in the Premier League.

Rejection of Bolton camp not talking simply about the influence of Cahill in the field however, Arsenal's bid was also considered too low. Some media said that Arsenal only gives the value of seven million Pounds to bring Cahill.

Coach Bolton, Owen Coyle, said that talks between the two clubs failed to meet the agreement.

"There have been talks between Phil Gartside (Bolton representatives) and management of Arsenal," said Coyle.

"I just followed the talks as a third party. But, even close to the talks said the agreement was not."

"I spoke with Gary Cahill about it before the game Macclesfield (League Cup), and he knew everything that happened," explained Coyle again.
Predicted Arsenal would still be trying to sign Gary Cahill to raise its offer.

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